Thursday, February 27, 2020

UAF Summer Course

Arctic Alaska Vegetation, Permafrost & Ecosystems
Summer Field Course, 8–24 June 2020
University of Alaska Fairbanks

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) announces a 3-credit, 17-day summer field course: "BIOL 495/ 695, Arctic Alaska Vegetation, Permafrost & Ecosystems." The course is open to undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning about the Arctic.

The course includes two days of classroom instruction and local field trips in the Fairbanks area followed by a 13-day field excursion to Alaska's North Slope of the Brooks Range. Instructors include arctic research scientists and local experts in permafrost, vegetation, birds, mammals, ecosystem science, Arctic parks, life in an arctic village, and oilfield environmental research. Students will undertake an independent research project of their choosing. The course concludes with two days for student presentations at UAF. 

The class will travel along the Dalton Highway, which traverses boreal forest, alpine, and arctic tundra biomes from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay, AK. Eleven days will be spent camping at different locations along the route. We will also spend a night at Toolik Field Station, a world-renowned arctic research station. 

The cost of transportation and meals during the field excursion is included in the course fee, as well as lodging at Toolik Field Station and on UAF’s campus. (Students are responsible for meals during the 4-day campus portion of the course.) Students will need to bring all-weather clothing including winter jackets and rubber boots, and a good sleeping bag and three-season tent (if available—a limited selection of sleeping bags and expedition tents are available to those who do not have them). 

The course is limited to 10 undergraduate and/or graduate students. Pre-requisites include two semesters of college-level science with one upper-level course or permission of instructor. A $250 non-refundable deposit is required by 15 April 2020. The balance of the course payment is due 15 May. International students must submit an International Student Summer Application and supporting documents by 15 March. 

Registration is now open for all students at

Questions? Contact Skip Walker (