If you are at UMD this Spring 2019 semester and identify with any of the following identities/experiences, we would love to have you join us for our Spring '19 welcome event!
Currently or formerly undocumented
Temporary Protected Status holder
DACA recipient
Part of a mixed immigration status family
This welcome event will serve as an opportunity to create and engage in the community, ask questions, learn about resources, as well as reflect and share goals alongside other students at UMD. We will be spending our morning engaging in some community building activities and also explore our role in several upcoming opportunities and events taking place this semester like Social Justice Day with Keynote Speaker Diane Guerrero, author, and actress from Orange is the New Black.
This four-hour welcome event will give us enough time to learn about resources and upcoming opportunities, meet peers, share a meal and take some time to enjoy the community that we have built so far.
To ensure that we have enough food and materials please SIGN UP HERE to confirm your participation by Tuesday 2/5/19.