Please forward this email to any interested students or faculty. Detailed information on the fellow positions as well as the review process can be found in the web pages (RET; REU).
The NSF I/UCRC Spatiotemporal
A complete application includes: 1) a C.V., 2) one-page double-spaced statement of interest, 3) contact information (email and phone #) of two referees.
Selection process: There will be three steps for selecting the students: 1) Site directors will collaboratively select a pool of promising applicants. 2) Faculty members will select the relevant applicants who match their interest. 3) A phone interview will be arranged with the selected candidates to consider the applicant's background and skills in communication, teamwork, and topic interest.
Please submit your application through email to Dr. Manzhu Yu ( The review of applications will start on Jan 21, 2019, and end until the position is filled up. Feel free to contact Dr. Chaowei Yang ( with questions about the NSF RET/REU Summer Fellows in Geographic Information Science. We look forward to receiving your applications.