Thursday, April 7, 2022

Help Geography Club Design their next Tee Shirt!


Ever find yourself lost on campus and wish you had a map easily accessible? Maybe something as accessible as...glancing down at your own teeshirt!? UMD's Geography Club wants to make that dream a reality! They are looking for talented graphic designers to help them create the next great Geography Club Teeshirt! 

The theme is a map of campus (upside down - so you can see it when you're wearing it!). Something like the image below, but better! Designs can be created in any software but must adhere to campus policies, which means no trademarked UMD logos or UMD text

Please send your design to Maruko Korgue, Geography Club Vice Present, at mkogure@terpmail.umd.ed by April 12th at 11:59 pm. If several designs are received, the club will hold an anonymous vote on 4/13.

If you have any questions, send an email to

We’re waiting for your map! 🗺✨🐢