Application is now open for the SMART scholarship program which provides full tuition/fees, stipend, and job placement in US government after graduation. Application due in December.
https://smartscholarshipprod. article&sys_id= 3db0a713dbbd0300b67330ca7c9619 7c
Eligibility Requirements
All awardees must be:
- a citizen of the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or United Kingdom at time of application,
- 18 years of age or older as of August 1, 2019
- able to participate in summer internships at a DoD facility,
- willing to accept post-graduate employment with the DoD,
- a student in good standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- pursuing a technical undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the disciplines listed on the About SMART page. (Our Department fits under multiple).