Monday, October 25, 2021

GEOG Seminar 10/28: Dr. Shachak Peeri, NOAA Office of Coast Survey

On Thursday, October 28, at 3:45-5:00 pm, this week's seminar will feature Dr. Shachak Peeri, Division Chief of NOAA Office of Coast Survey. He will give a talk on Operations and research at NOAA's Office of Coast SurveyPlease see the text below for connection details and abstract. The talk will be on Zoom.

AbstractNOAA's Coast Survey Development Lab (NOAA/NOS/OCS) is the Office of Coast Survey's division in charge of technical support and development services for ocean mapping, coastal and ocean modeling, charting sources and other applications that require DevOps and IT support. This seminar provides an opportunity to have a "meet and greet" presentation between the department and the lab. I will briefly present the lab's recent efforts in fields of ocean mapping, coastal modeling, uncrewed systems, and how the lab's projects and activities aligns with current NOAA strategic plans, and what metrics and processes are used in transition of applied science projects into operations.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 991 9396 8299 

Passcode: 6QnC6d


See you Thursday!