Tuesday, September 15, 2020

M.S. positions available in remote sensing and fire ecology (Sonoma State University) GOOD GRAD SCHOOL OPPORTUNITY!

Two M.S. positions available in the Bentley Lab at Sonoma State University starting in 

Spring 2021 (applications due Oct 31, 2020) or Fall 2021 (applications due Dec 15, 2020).

Students will work on grant-funded projects related to remote sensing (terrestrial laser scanning and drones) of forests in Northern CA to investigate effects of forest management and wildfire on forest structure, carbon accounting and modeling of future wildfire risk.

Those who are interested should email Dr. Bentley (lisa.bentley@sonoma.edu) with a CV and description of: 1) research interests, 2) experience with field work and 3) skills related to spatial data processing, modeling, or coding (e.g., ArcGIS, R, python, Pix4D, etc) to discuss the position before applying.