Monday, March 9, 2020

GEOG Mandatory Advising for Fall 2020

You should have received an email yesterday with the date/time that you can register for Fall 2020 courses, which will occur late March - May dependent on your credit limit. As a reminder, all Geography, GIS, and ENSP Global, Land Use, and Coastal majors will have a registration block on their account until they speak with myself or Erin Jacobs in the GEOG Advising Office for mandatory advising (2181M LEF, Advising hours are walk-in/first come first serve.  

However, while seeing you in-person is always our preference, your health and well-being are essential to us in the GEOG/ENSP Program. If you are currently ill (or recently have been ill), please do not put your health at risk in order to clear your advising block. We will be offering virtual and/or phone advising when applicable. Please follow the below steps to have your block cleared virtually (we recommend visiting or emailing at least two weeks prior to your registration date).

1. Visit
2. Review your degree audit and note any discrepancies/questions.
3. Visit to view the Fall 2020 schedule*. 
4. Create a list of courses you plan/hope to take.
5. Email that list to
6. Once the list is approved we will remove your advising block.

*You might notice some new courses (GEOG276, 498D) offered this Fall! We are waiting on official word as to how/if they will fit into major requirements. There may also be a few more courses added. Please keep an eye on your emails for more information in the coming weeks.  

Thank you in advance for your attention to your advising block! Erin and I look forward to helping you chart a path to success next semester - keep up the great work everyone!