Data collection and organization
- Geocoding existing datasets
- Creating workflows for future datasets to include native geocoding
Data acquisition
- Acquiring remote imagery from public APIs and open data warehouses
- Assessing the value of private/commercial APIs and data warehouses for our work
- Acquiring other spatial data: soil properties, weather, crop layers
Data processing and analysis
- Ingesting and processing remote sensor data
- Joining geocoded datasets with imagery
- Manipulating imagery (e.g. reorienting rasters, calculating spectral indices)
- Converting processed rasters to tabular format for other analysts and vice versa
- Team collaboration
- Working with statisticians, data scientists, and machine learning experts to bring spatial context
- to their analyses
- Working with field technicians to implement protocols for collecting spatial data
- Delivering processed data in common formats to our team and via public APIs
- Testing and evaluating spatial tools and software platforms to decide if they are useful for our
- organization
- Training analytical and technical staff on adopted technologies
- Python, R, JavaScript
- Cloud computing
- Leaflet, Mapbox
- SSURGO/Web Soil Survey
Students will spend part of their time at the USDA-ARS Sustainable Agricultural Systems Laboratory in Beltsville, MD. Internships may be full or part time with flexible hours; we have openings both during the summer and fall semesters. To apply, please send your resume and unofficial transcripts to