Title: Faculty Specialist
Salary: Commensurate with experience.
Best Consideration Date: October 3, 2016
This position supports the research efforts of two principal investigators studying remote
sensing of land cover/land use change and its consequences for climate and biodiversity.
DUTIES: Full time position in the Department of Geographical Sciences responsible for
coordinating international research collaborations including assisting in the logistical
planning of scientific meetings, workshops, meetings and conferences, and overseeing
travel arrangements; maintaining the projects’ research profiles on departmental website;
editing technical reports and papers; assisting in vital communication between coresearchers,
sponsors, and collaborative organizations; assisting the project directors in
administering the projects by collecting information on future funding opportunities,
formulating and monitoring project budgets, assisting in proposal preparation, coordinate
and supervise the arrangements for all foreign visitors and interns working on the various
research projects, as well as various other tasks as required for the smooth functioning of
large research projects. Details about Global Land Analysis and Discovery Laboratory
can be found at http://www.glad.umd.edu.
QUALIFICATIONS: A Bachelor’s degree is required. Preference will be given for
candidates with a degree in a scientific discipline related to the project’s areas of concern.
Appropriate experience working on research projects (2 or more years) is preferred.
Prior experience should demonstrate the ability to assist in maintaining relationships with
collaborators and to participate as a member of a diverse research team, the use of
computer software applications for such tasks as web site maintenance, spreadsheet
design and maintenance, and project planning and management.
Candidate should be highly organized, accurate, detail oriented and possess demonstrated
ability to share knowledge through verbal and written communication skills. The
candidate should be a proactive and creative problem solver with the ability to work
independently and handle multiple tasks and shifting priorities while ensuring deadlines
are met.
To Apply: https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/45900