Monday, June 8, 2020

Oceans Brown Bag Tuesday 6/16 12:30PM, Zach Erickson

Very excited to hopefully see many of you (virtually) at our first Oceans Brown Bag lunch on Tuesday 6/16 12:30-1:30PM

Zach Erickson, NASA Postdoctoral Fellow in the GFSC Ocean Ecology Laboratory, has graciously volunteered to give the first short seminar. Zach works on problems in remote sensing of phytoplankton, submesoscale dynamics, and biophysical interaction. Talk title TBD.

More info to follow, but please put the time on your calendar. Join by visiting:!forum/umd-ocean

Jacob Wenegrat
Assistant Professor
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland, College Park |

THET 290