Thursday, April 30, 2020

NWI Assistant Wetlands Coordinator

NWI Assistant Wetlands Coordinator Positions Announcement
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) Program is excited to share our vacancy announcement for two permanent staff! It is part of a general biologist announcement in USAJOBS (see below). The announcement opened on April 27, and will close on May 11. In it, there are general biologist requirements, as well as additional information/duties in a separate spreadsheet listing all 99 biologist positions being advertised across the country. To find information on the NWI positions, search for “ES Headquarters” under the Program column and “Hadley, MA: Fort Collins, CO” under the Duty Station column. Additional information/duties for the Assistant Wetlands Coordinator are listed.  
To learn more, click here!